Medical Interpreter Position Qualification (MIPQ)
This test is intended to assess trained, certified and/or experienced professional medical interpreters. Assesses: Proficiency of professional medical interpreters where candidates are evaluated on their performance in one or more role-play scenarios containing a mixture of high and low level medical terminology with topics from general medicine. Also includes the option to append specialty specific scenarios and/or a separate module on Interpreter Ethics, Standards of Practice and Protocol.
Signup Page
Please use the form below to request your MIPQ. If you prefer to make your appointment over the phone you can also call (678)540-6394.
After you submit your information, you will be contacted with scheduling information within two business days (usually same day). Within the body of your scheduling and confirmation emails, you will find a link to more information about the test as well as examples of the different types of exercises.
Once you have scheduled a time, you will need to make your payment online or over the phone at (678)540-6394 to confirm the appointment. If payment is not received within 24 hours, the appointment time may be offered to other candidates. Your organization may provide you with a discount code that you can use on the final checkout page.
Results will be sent to the requesting program, and copied to self-pay candidates. (If your organization paid for the test, you should contact them for results.) Results are generally available approximately 5 working business days after the test is completed.
If you have any questions about admissions or program information, please contact your local coordinator. For questions about testing and test scheduling, please contact or (678)540-6394.